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Officine Retica sas P. IVA IT00980990147, with headquarters in via Nazionale, 31 23020 Prosto di Piuro SO, REA SO73823 through accepts orders and delivers worldwide.

For each order placed, Officine Retica sas issues a receipt for the material shipped; upon customer request, an invoice is issued; the data provided by the Customer at the time of ordering will be included in the invoice; Officine Retica publishes prices including Italian VAT. In the case of purchase by a company from a country belonging to the European Union, when placing the order you must enter your company data including the VAT number of a country of the European Union. Our Staff verifies the data entered and sends an email with the updated Order Total excluding VAT (we recommend proceeding with payment only after receiving the confirmation email). Upon delivery, you will receive the VAT-exempt invoice. No changes will be possible after the receipt or invoice has been issued.

The “availability” of the product displayed on is purely indicative, as it is possible for multiple purchases to be made at the same time by multiple users. For this reason, Officine Retica reserves the right, once the order has been received, to verify the actual availability of the goods and, in the absence of this, to promptly communicate the non-acceptance of the order sent. Officine Retica will provide alternative solutions to the Customer.

Correct receipt of the order is confirmed by Officine Retica via email, sent to the email address provided by the Customer.

This confirmation message will re-propose all the data entered by the Customer who undertakes to verify its correctness and to promptly communicate any corrections. Subsequently, Officine Retica will verify the availability of the goods and the accuracy of the Customer data and will send the acceptance of the contract via e-mail.

The contract stipulated between the Customer and Officine Retica is to be considered concluded only after sending the email of acceptance of the contract. By placing the order on the site the Customer declares to have read the conditions of sale, the proposed payment methods and the entire purchase procedure.

With express reference to articles 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 185/89, the Customer will receive, via email, all the information necessary for the identification of the seller, information that the Customer must keep together with the email accepting the contract.

Jurisdiction and Competent Court


Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of purchase contracts stipulated "on line" through the website is subject to Italian jurisdiction; these general conditions refer, for anything not expressly provided for therein, to the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6.09.2005. For any dispute between the parties regarding this contract, the Court of Sondrio (SO) (Italy) will be competent.

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